Bowtie: Interactive Dashboard Toolkit

Bowtie helps you visualize your data interactively. No Javascript required, you build your dashboard in pure Python. Easy to deploy so you can share results with others.

New to Bowtie? The quickstart guide will get you running your first app. It takes about 10 minutes to go through.

Notable Features

  • Ships with many useful widgets including charts, tables, dropdown menus, sliders, and markdown
  • All widgets come with many events and commands for interaction
  • Hook into Plotly charts with click, selection, and hover events
  • Jupyter integration allows you to prototype your dashboards
  • Run functions periodically
  • Store and fetch data from the client (browser)
  • Built in progress indicators for all visual widgets
  • Powerful Pythonic CSS grid API to layout components
  • Compiles a single Javascript bundle speeding up load times and removes CDN dependencies
  • Powerful programming model let’s you listen to multiple events and update multiple widgets with single functions