Source code for bowtie._app

"""Defines the App class."""

from typing import (  # pylint: disable=unused-import
    Any, Callable, Generator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union, Dict, Sequence
import os
import json
import itertools
import shutil
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT, check_output
from pathlib import Path
import secrets
import socket
import warnings
import traceback

import eventlet
import msgpack
import flask
from flask import (
    Flask, render_template, make_response,
    copy_current_request_context, jsonify, request
from flask_socketio import SocketIO
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, ChoiceLoader

from bowtie._component import Event, Component, COMPONENT_REGISTRY
from bowtie.pager import Pager
from bowtie.exceptions import (
    GridIndexError, NoSidebarError,
    NotStatefulEvent, NoUnusedCellsError,
    SpanOverlapError, SizeError, WebpackError, YarnError


Route = namedtuple('Route', ['view', 'path', 'exact'])
_Import = namedtuple('_Import', ['module', 'component'])

_DIRECTORY = Path('build')
_WEBPACK = './node_modules/.bin/webpack'
_MIN_NODE_VERSION = 6, 11, 5

class Scheduler:
    """Run scheduled tasks."""

    def __init__(self, app, seconds, func):
        """Create a scheduled function.""" = app
        self.seconds = seconds
        self.func = func
        self.thread = None

    def context(self, func):
        """Provide flask context to function."""
        def wrap():
        return wrap

    def start(self):
        """Start the scheduled task."""
        self.thread = eventlet.spawn(

    def run(self):
        """Invoke the function repeatedly on a timer."""
        ret = eventlet.spawn(self.context(self.func))
        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        self.thread = eventlet.spawn(

    def stop(self):
        """Stop the scheduled task."""
        if self.thread:

def raise_not_number(x: float) -> None:
    """Raise ``SizeError`` if ``x`` is not a number``."""
    except ValueError:
        raise SizeError('Must pass a number, received {}'.format(x))

class Span:
    """Define the location of a widget."""

    def __init__(self, row_start: int, column_start: int, row_end: Optional[int] = None,
                 column_end: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
        """Create a span for a widget.

        Indexing starts at 0. Start is inclusive and end is exclusive

        CSS Grid indexing starts at 1 and is [inclusive, exclusive)

        Note: `_start` and `_end` follow css grid naming convention.

        row_start : int
        column_start : int
        row_end : int, optional
        column_end : int, optional

        self.row_start = row_start
        self.column_start = column_start
        # add 1 to then ends because they start counting from 1
        if row_end is None:
            self.row_end = self.row_start + 1
            self.row_end = row_end
        if column_end is None:
            self.column_end = self.column_start + 1
            self.column_end = column_end

    def _key(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]:
        return self.row_start, self.column_start, self.row_end, self.column_end

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        """Hash for dict."""
        return hash(self._key)

    def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
        """Compare eq for dict."""
        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        return isinstance(other, type(self)) and self._key == other._key

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Show the starting and ending points.

        This is used as a key in javascript.
        return '{},{},{},{}'.format(
            self.row_start + 1,
            self.column_start + 1,
            self.row_end + 1,
            self.column_end + 1

    def overlap(self, other: 'Span'):
        """Detect if two spans overlap."""
        return not (
            # if one rectangle is left of other
            other.column_end <= self.column_start
            or self.column_end <= other.column_start
            # if one rectangle is above other
            or other.row_end <= self.row_start
            or self.row_end <= other.row_start

    def cells(self) -> Generator[Tuple[int, int], None, None]:
        """Generate cells in span."""
        yield from itertools.product(
            range(self.row_start, self.row_end),
            range(self.column_start, self.column_end)

[docs]class Size: """Size of rows and columns in grid. This is accessed through ``.rows`` and ``.columns`` from App and View instances. This uses CSS's minmax function. The minmax() CSS function defines a size range greater than or equal to min and less than or equal to max. If max < min, then max is ignored and minmax(min,max) is treated as min. As a maximum, a <flex> value sets the flex factor of a grid track; it is invalid as a minimum. Examples -------- Laying out an app with the first row using 1/3 of the space and the second row using 2/3 of the space. >>> app = App(rows=2, columns=3) >>> app.rows[0].fraction(1) 1fr >>> app.rows[1].fraction(2) 2fr """ def __init__(self) -> None: """Create a default row or column size with fraction = 1.""" self.minimum: str = '' self.maximum: str = '' self.fraction(1)
[docs] def auto(self) -> 'Size': """Set the size to auto or content based.""" self.maximum = 'auto' return self
[docs] def min_auto(self) -> 'Size': """Set the minimum size to auto or content based.""" self.minimum = 'auto' return self
[docs] def pixels(self, value: float) -> 'Size': """Set the size in pixels.""" raise_not_number(value) self.maximum = '{}px'.format(value) return self
[docs] def min_pixels(self, value: float) -> 'Size': """Set the minimum size in pixels.""" raise_not_number(value) self.minimum = '{}px'.format(value) return self
[docs] def ems(self, value: float) -> 'Size': """Set the size in ems.""" raise_not_number(value) self.maximum = '{}em'.format(value) return self
[docs] def min_ems(self, value: float) -> 'Size': """Set the minimum size in ems.""" raise_not_number(value) self.minimum = '{}em'.format(value) return self
[docs] def fraction(self, value: float) -> 'Size': """Set the fraction of free space to use.""" raise_not_number(value) self.maximum = '{}fr'.format(value) return self
[docs] def percent(self, value: float) -> 'Size': """Set the percentage of free space to use.""" raise_not_number(value) self.maximum = '{}%'.format(value) return self
[docs] def min_percent(self, value: float) -> 'Size': """Set the minimum percentage of free space to use.""" raise_not_number(value) self.minimum = '{}%'.format(value) return self
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Represent the size to be inserted into a JSX template.""" if self.minimum: return 'minmax({}, {})'.format(self.minimum, self.maximum) return self.maximum
[docs]class Gap: """Margin between rows or columns of the grid. This is accessed through ``.row_gap`` and ``.column_gap`` from App and View instances. Examples -------- Create a gap of 5 pixels between all rows. >>> app = App() >>> app.row_gap.pixels(5) 5px """ def __init__(self) -> None: """Create a default margin of zero.""" str = '' self.pixels(0)
[docs] def pixels(self, value: int) -> 'Gap': """Set the margin in pixels.""" raise_not_number(value) = '{}px'.format(value) return self
[docs] def ems(self, value: int) -> 'Gap': """Set the margin in ems.""" raise_not_number(value) = '{}em'.format(value) return self
[docs] def percent(self, value) -> 'Gap': """Set the margin as a percentage.""" raise_not_number(value) = '{}%'.format(value) return self
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Represent the margin to be inserted into a JSX template.""" return
def _check_index(value: int, length: int, bound: bool) -> int: if not isinstance(value, int): raise GridIndexError('Indices must be integers, found {}.'.format(value)) if value < 0: value = value + length if value < 0 + bound or value >= length + bound: raise GridIndexError('Index out of range.') return value def _slice_to_start_end(slc: slice, length: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: if slc.step is not None and slc.step != 1: raise GridIndexError( 'slice step is not supported must be None or 1, was {}'.format(slc.step) ) start = 0 if slc.start is not None: start = slc.start end = length if slc.stop is not None: end = slc.stop return start, end class Components: """List like class for storing components to override iadd. The purpose of this class is to override the `iadd` function. I want to be able to support all the following >>> from bowtie import App >>> from bowtie.control import Button >>> app = App() >>> button = Button() >>> app[0, 0] = button >>> app[0, 0] = button, button >>> app[0, 0] += button >>> app[0, 0] += button, button """ TYPE_MSG: str = 'Must add a component or sequence of components, found {}.' def __init__(self, component: Optional[Union[Component, Sequence[Component]]] = None ) -> None: """Create a components list.""" List[Component] if component is None: = [] elif isinstance(component, Component): = [component] else: = list(component) def __len__(self): """Count components.""" return def append(self, component: Component): """Append component to the list.""" return def __iter__(self): """Iterate over components.""" return def __getitem__(self, key): """Get item as a list.""" return def _add(self, method, other: Union[Component, Sequence[Component]]) -> 'Components': if isinstance(other, Component): return method([other]) if isinstance(other, Sequence): other = list(other) if not all(True for x in other if isinstance(x, Component)): raise TypeError(self.TYPE_MSG.format(other)) return method(other) raise TypeError(self.TYPE_MSG.format(other)) def __iadd__(self, other: Union[Component, Sequence[Component]]): """Append items to list when adding.""" return self._add(, other) def __add__(self, other: Union[Component, Sequence[Component]]): """Append items to list when adding.""" return self._add(, other)
[docs]class View: """Grid of components.""" _NEXT_UUID = 0 @classmethod def _next_uuid(cls) -> int: cls._NEXT_UUID += 1 return cls._NEXT_UUID def __init__(self, rows: int = 1, columns: int = 1, sidebar: bool = False, background_color: str = 'White') -> None: """Create a new grid. Parameters ---------- rows : int, optional Number of rows in the grid. columns : int, optional Number of columns in the grid. sidebar : bool, optional Enable a sidebar for control components. background_color : str, optional Background color of the control pane. """ self._uuid = View._next_uuid() self.layout = None self.column_gap = Gap() self.row_gap = Gap() self.border = Gap().pixels(7) self.rows = [Size() for _ in range(rows)] self.columns = [Size() for _ in range(columns)] self.sidebar = sidebar self.background_color = background_color self.layout: Optional[Callable] = None self._controllers: List[Component] = [] self._spans: Dict[Span, Components] = {} def _all_components(self) -> Generator[Component, None, None]: yield from self._controllers yield from itertools.chain.from_iterable(self._spans.values()) @property def _packages(self) -> Set[str]: # pylint: disable=protected-access packages = set(x._PACKAGE for x in self._all_components()) packages.discard(None) return packages @property def _templates(self) -> Set[str]: # pylint: disable=protected-access return set(x._TEMPLATE for x in self._all_components()) @property def _imports(self) -> Set[_Import]: # pylint: disable=protected-access return set(_Import(component=x._COMPONENT, module=x._TEMPLATE[:x._TEMPLATE.find('.')]) for x in self._all_components()) @property def _components(self) -> Set[Component]: return set(self._all_components()) def _key_to_span(self, key: Any) -> Span: # TODO spaghetti code cleanup needed! if isinstance(key, Span): return key if isinstance(key, tuple): if len(key) == 1: return self._key_to_span(key[0]) try: row_key, column_key = key except ValueError: raise GridIndexError('Index must be 1 or 2 values, found {}'.format(key)) if isinstance(row_key, int): row_start = _check_index(row_key, len(self.rows), False) row_end = row_start + 1 elif isinstance(row_key, slice): row_start, row_end = _slice_to_start_end(row_key, len(self.rows)) row_start = _check_index(row_start, len(self.rows), False) row_end = _check_index(row_end, len(self.rows), True) else: raise GridIndexError( 'Cannot index with {}, pass in a int or a slice.'.format(row_key) ) if isinstance(column_key, int): column_start = _check_index(column_key, len(self.columns), False) column_end = column_start + 1 elif isinstance(column_key, slice): column_start, column_end = _slice_to_start_end(column_key, len(self.columns)) column_start = _check_index(column_start, len(self.columns), False) column_end = _check_index(column_end, len(self.columns), True) else: raise GridIndexError( 'Cannot index with {}, pass in a int or a slice.'.format(column_key) ) rows_cols = row_start, column_start, row_end, column_end elif isinstance(key, slice): start, end = _slice_to_start_end(key, len(self.rows)) start = _check_index(start, len(self.rows), False) end = _check_index(end, len(self.rows), True) rows_cols = start, 0, end, len(self.columns) elif isinstance(key, int): row_start = _check_index(key, len(self.rows), False) rows_cols = row_start, 0, row_start + 1, len(self.columns) else: raise GridIndexError('Invalid index {}'.format(key)) return Span(*rows_cols) def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> Components: """Get item from the view.""" span = self._key_to_span(key) if span not in self._spans: raise KeyError(f'Key {key} has not been used') return self._spans[span] def __setitem__(self, key: Any, component: Union[Component, Sequence[Component]]) -> None: """Add widget to the view.""" span = self._key_to_span(key) for used_span in self._spans: if span != used_span and span.overlap(used_span): raise SpanOverlapError(f'Spans {span} and {used_span} overlap. ' 'This is not permitted. ' 'If you want to do this please open an issue ' 'and explain your use case. ' '') self._spans[span] = Components(component)
[docs] def add(self, component: Union[Component, Sequence[Component]]) -> None: """Add a widget to the grid in the next available cell. Searches over columns then rows for available cells. Parameters ---------- components : bowtie._Component A Bowtie widget instance. """ try: self[Span(*self._available_cell())] = component except NoUnusedCellsError: span = list(self._spans.keys())[-1] self._spans[span] += component
def _available_cell(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Find next available cell first by row then column. First, construct a set containing all cells. Then iterate over the spans and remove occupied cells. """ cells = set(itertools.product(range(len(self.rows)), range(len(self.columns)))) for span in self._spans: for cell in span.cells: cells.remove(cell) if not cells: raise NoUnusedCellsError('No available cells') return min(cells)
[docs] def add_sidebar(self, component: Component) -> None: """Add a widget to the sidebar. Parameters ---------- component : bowtie._Component Add this component to the sidebar, it will be appended to the end. """ if not self.sidebar: raise NoSidebarError('Set `sidebar=True` if you want to use the sidebar.') if not isinstance(component, Component): raise ValueError('component must be Component type, found {}'.format(component)) # self._track_widget(widget) self._controllers.append(component) # pylint: disable=protected-access
@property def _columns_sidebar(self): columns = [] if self.sidebar: columns.append(Size().ems(18)) columns += self.columns return columns
[docs]class App: """Core class to layout, connect, build a Bowtie app.""" def __init__(self, name='__main__', app=None, rows: int = 1, columns: int = 1, sidebar: bool = False, title: str = 'Bowtie App', theme: Optional[str] = None, background_color: str = 'White', socketio: str = '', debug: bool = False) -> None: """Create a Bowtie App. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Use __name__ or leave as default if using a single module. Consult the Flask docs on "import_name" for details on more complex apps. app : Flask app, optional If you are defining your own Flask app, pass it in here. You only need this if you are doing other stuff with Flask outside of bowtie. row : int, optional Number of rows in the grid. columns : int, optional Number of columns in the grid. sidebar : bool, optional Enable a sidebar for control components. title : str, optional Title of the HTML. theme : str, optional Color for Ant Design components. background_color : str, optional Background color of the control pane. socketio : string, optional path prefix, only change this for advanced deployments. debug : bool, optional Enable debugging in Flask. Disable in production! """ self.title = title self.theme = theme self._init: Optional[Callable] = None self._socketio_path = socketio self._schedules: List[Scheduler] = [] self._subscriptions: Dict[Event, List[Tuple[List[Event], Callable]]] = defaultdict(list) self._pages: Dict[Pager, Callable] = {} self._uploads: Dict[int, Callable] = {} self._root = View(rows=rows, columns=columns, sidebar=sidebar, background_color=background_color) self._routes: List[Route] = [] self._package_dir = Path(os.path.dirname(__file__)) self._jinjaenv = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(str(self._package_dir / 'templates')), trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True ) if app is None: = Flask(name) else: = app = debug self._socketio = SocketIO(, binary=True, path=socketio + '') = secrets.token_bytes() self.add_route(view=self._root, path='/', exact=True) # templates = Path(__file__).parent / 'templates' = ChoiceLoader([, FileSystemLoader(str(templates)), ]) self._build_dir = / _DIRECTORY
[docs] def wsgi_app(self, environ, start_response): """Support uwsgi and gunicorn.""" return, start_response)
def __call__(self, environ, start_response): """Support uwsgi and gunicorn.""" return self.wsgi_app(environ, start_response) def __getattr__(self, name: str): """Export attributes from root view.""" if name == 'columns': return self._root.columns if name == 'rows': return self._root.rows if name == 'column_gap': return self._root.column_gap if name == 'row_gap': return self._root.row_gap if name == 'border': return self._root.border if name == 'layout': return self._root.layout raise AttributeError(name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Set layout function for root view.""" if name == 'layout': return self._root.__setattr__(name, value) return super().__setattr__(name, value) def __getitem__(self, key: Any): """Get item from root view.""" return self._root.__getitem__(key) def __setitem__(self, key: Any, value: Union[Component, Sequence[Component]]) -> None: """Add widget to the root view.""" self._root.__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] def add(self, component: Component) -> None: """Add a widget to the grid in the next available cell. Searches over columns then rows for available cells. Parameters ---------- component : bowtie._Component A Bowtie component instance. """ self._root.add(component)
[docs] def add_sidebar(self, widget: Component) -> None: """Add a widget to the sidebar. Parameters ---------- widget : bowtie._Component Add this widget to the sidebar, it will be appended to the end. """ self._root.add_sidebar(widget)
[docs] def add_route(self, view: View, path: str, exact: bool = True) -> None: """Add a view to the app. Parameters ---------- view : View path : str exact : bool, optional """ if path[0] != '/': path = '/' + path for route in self._routes: assert path != route.path, 'Cannot use the same path twice' self._routes.append(Route(view=view, path=path, exact=exact)) path, path[1:], lambda: render_template('bowtie.html', title=self.title) )
[docs] def subscribe(self, *events: Union[Event, Pager]) -> Callable: """Call a function in response to an event. If more than one event is given, `func` will be given as many arguments as there are events. If the pager calls notify, the decorated function will be called. Parameters ---------- *event : event or pager Bowtie event, must have at least one. Examples -------- Subscribing a function to multiple events. >>> from bowtie.control import Dropdown, Slider >>> app = App() >>> dd = Dropdown() >>> slide = Slider() >>> @app.subscribe(dd.on_change, slide.on_change) ... def callback(dd_item, slide_value): ... pass >>> @app.subscribe(dd.on_change) ... @app.subscribe(slide.on_change) ... def callback2(value): ... pass Using the pager to run a callback function. >>> from bowtie.pager import Pager >>> app = App() >>> pager = Pager() >>> @app.subscribe(pager) ... def callback(): ... pass >>> def scheduledtask(): ... pager.notify() """ try: first_event = events[0] except IndexError: raise IndexError('Must subscribe to at least one event.') if len(events) != len(set(events)): raise ValueError( 'Subscribed to the same event multiple times. All events must be unique.' ) if len(events) > 1: # check if we are using any non stateful events for event in events: if isinstance(event, Pager): raise NotStatefulEvent('Pagers must be subscribed by itself.') if event.getter is None: raise NotStatefulEvent( f'{event.uuid}.on_{} is not a stateful event. ' 'It must be used alone.' ) def decorator(func: Callable) -> Callable: """Handle three types of events: pages, uploads, and normal events.""" if isinstance(first_event, Pager): self._pages[first_event] = func elif == 'upload': if first_event.uuid in self._uploads: warnings.warn( ('Overwriting function "{func1}" with function ' '"{func2}" for upload object "{obj}".').format( func1=self._uploads[first_event.uuid], func2=func.__name__, obj=COMPONENT_REGISTRY[first_event.uuid] ), Warning) self._uploads[first_event.uuid] = func else: for event in events: # need to have `events` here to maintain order of arguments # not sure how to deal with mypy typing errors on events so ignoring self._subscriptions[event].append((events, func)) # type: ignore return func return decorator
[docs] def load(self, func: Callable) -> Callable: """Call a function on page load. Parameters ---------- func : callable Function to be called. """ self._init = func return func
[docs] def schedule(self, seconds: float): """Call a function periodically. Parameters ---------- seconds : float Minimum interval of function calls. func : callable Function to be called. """ def wrap(func: Callable): self._schedules.append(Scheduler(, seconds, func)) return wrap
def _write_templates(self) -> Set[str]: indexjsx = self._jinjaenv.get_template('index.jsx.j2') componentsjs = self._jinjaenv.get_template('components.js.j2') webpack = self._jinjaenv.get_template('webpack.common.js.j2') src = self._create_jspath() webpack_path = self._build_dir /[:-3] # type: ignore with'w') as f: f.write( webpack.render(color=self.theme) ) # copy js modules that are always needed for name in ['progress.jsx', 'view.jsx', 'utils.js']: template_src = self._package_dir / 'src' / name shutil.copy(template_src, src) # Layout Design # # Dictionaries that are keyed by the components # # To layout this will need to look through all components that have a key of the route # # use cases # 1. statically add items to controller in list # 2. remove item from controller # 3. add item back to controller # # issues: # widget reordering # order preserving operations components: Set[Component] = set() imports: Set[_Import] = set() packages: Set[str] = set() for route in self._routes: if route.view.layout: route.view.layout() packages |= route.view._packages # pylint: disable=protected-access imports |= route.view._imports # pylint: disable=protected-access components |= route.view._components # pylint: disable=protected-access for template in route.view._templates: # pylint: disable=protected-access template_src = self._package_dir / 'src' / template shutil.copy(template_src, src) with (src /[:-3]).open('w') as f: # type: ignore f.write( componentsjs.render( imports=imports, socketio=self._socketio_path, components=components, ) ) with (src /[:-3]).open('w') as f: # type: ignore f.write( indexjsx.render( maxviewid=View._NEXT_UUID, # pylint: disable=protected-access socketio=self._socketio_path, pages=self._pages, routes=self._routes, ) ) return packages def _build(self, notebook: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Compile the Bowtie application.""" if node_version() < _MIN_NODE_VERSION: raise WebpackError( f'Webpack requires at least version {_MIN_NODE_VERSION} of Node, ' f'found version {node_version}.' ) packages = self._write_templates() for filename in ['package.json', '', '']: if not (self._build_dir / filename).is_file(): sourcefile = self._package_dir / 'src' / filename shutil.copy(sourcefile, self._build_dir) if self._run(['yarn', '--ignore-engines', 'install'], notebook=notebook) > 1: raise YarnError('Error installing node packages') if packages: installed = self._installed_packages() new_packages = [x for x in packages if x.split('@')[0] not in installed] if new_packages: retval = self._run( ['yarn', '--ignore-engines', 'add'] + new_packages, notebook=notebook ) if retval > 1: raise YarnError('Error installing node packages') elif retval == 1: print('Yarn error but trying to continue build') retval = self._run([_WEBPACK, '--config', ''], notebook=notebook) if retval != 0: raise WebpackError('Error building with webpack') def _endpoints(self): def generate_sio_handler(main_event, supports): # get all events from all subscriptions associated with this event uniq_events = set() for events, _ in supports: uniq_events.update(events) uniq_events.remove(main_event) for event in uniq_events: comp = COMPONENT_REGISTRY[event.uuid] if event.getter is None: raise AttributeError( f'{comp} has no getter associated with event "on_{}"' ) def handler(*args): def wrapuser(): event_data = {} for event in uniq_events: comp = COMPONENT_REGISTRY[event.uuid] # we already checked that this component has a getter event_data[event.signal] = getattr(comp, event.getter)() # if there is no getter, then there is no data to unpack # if there is a getter, then we need to unpack the data sent main_getter = main_event.getter if main_getter is not None: comp = COMPONENT_REGISTRY[main_event.uuid] event_data[main_event.signal] = getattr(comp, '_' + main_getter)( msgpack.unpackb(args[0], encoding='utf8') ) # gather the remaining data from the other events through their getter methods for events, func in supports: if main_getter is not None: func(*(event_data[event.signal] for event in events)) else: func() # TODO replace with flask socketio start_background_task eventlet.spawn(copy_current_request_context(wrapuser)) return handler for event, supports in self._subscriptions.items(): self._socketio.on(event.signal)(generate_sio_handler(event, supports)) if self._init is not None: self._socketio.on('INITIALIZE')(lambda: eventlet.spawn( copy_current_request_context(self._init) )) def gen_upload(func): def upload(): upfile = request.files['file'] retval = func(upfile.filename, if retval: return make_response(jsonify(), 400) return make_response(jsonify(), 200) return upload for uuid, func in self._uploads.items(): f'/upload{uuid}', f'upload{uuid}', gen_upload(func), methods=['POST'] ) for page, func in self._pages.items(): # pylint: disable=protected-access self._socketio.on(f'resp#{page._uuid}')(lambda: eventlet.spawn( copy_current_request_context(func) )) # bundle route'/bowtie/bundle.js') def bowtiebundlejs(): # pylint: disable=unused-variable bundle_path = + '/build/bundle.js' bundle_path_gz = bundle_path + '.gz' try: if os.path.getmtime(bundle_path) > os.path.getmtime(bundle_path_gz): return open(bundle_path, 'r').read() bundle = open(bundle_path_gz, 'rb').read() response = flask.make_response(bundle) response.headers['content-encoding'] = 'gzip' response.headers['vary'] = 'accept-encoding' response.headers['content-length'] = len( return response except FileNotFoundError: if os.path.isfile(bundle_path_gz): bundle = open(bundle_path_gz, 'rb').read() response = flask.make_response(bundle) response.headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip' response.headers['Vary'] = 'Accept-Encoding' response.headers['Content-Length'] = len( return response return open(bundle_path, 'r').read() for schedule in self._schedules: schedule.start() def _serve(self, host='', port=9991) -> None: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) result = sock.connect_ex((host, port)) if result == 0: raise Exception(f'Port {port} is unavailable on host {host}, aborting.'), host=host, port=port) for schedule in self._schedules: schedule.stop() def _installed_packages(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """Extract installed packages as list from `package.json`.""" with (self._build_dir / 'package.json').open('r') as f: packages = json.load(f) yield from packages['dependencies'].keys() def _create_jspath(self) -> Path: """Create the source directory for the build.""" src = self._build_dir / 'bowtiejs' os.makedirs(src, exist_ok=True) return src def _run(self, command: List[str], notebook: Optional[str] = None) -> int: """Run command from terminal and notebook and view output from subprocess.""" if notebook is None: return Popen(command, cwd=self._build_dir).wait() cmd = Popen(command, cwd=self._build_dir, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) while True: line = cmd.stdout.readline() if line == b'' and cmd.poll() is not None: return cmd.poll() print(line.decode('utf-8'), end='') raise Exception()
def node_version(): """Get node version.""" version = check_output(('node', '--version')) return tuple(int(x) for x in version.strip()[1:].split(b'.'))